Primal Childhood Deconditioning Retreat
What is the Primal Childhood Deconditioning Retreat?
Created by Puja Lepp, the Primal-Childhood Deconditioning process is a week-long residential healing retreat that helps you to discover who you really are, freeing you to make conscious choices in your life
We live in truly exciting times and the complexity of our personal and professional lives calls many of us to change our perspectives and behaviors. This process brings many unconscious or even shadow elements to the surface (e.g., stress, overworking, addictive behaviors, anxieties, relationship issues, …) and can leave us often feeling reactive, imperfect, and raw.
In order to face the joys and challenges that lie ahead of us, we recognize, now more than ever, the need for a deeper connection to life. It is obvious right now that there is no time to waste to live and strip away the unhealthy layers that block your connection to who you really are and live from a place of love &truth.
The journey begins in the present and leads you step by step back to your childhood to experience and understand the parental and environmental conditioning you received in the past. It was then that you learned how to relate to others and how to get their love and approval. It was then that you absorbed your parent’s patterns of behavior and formed your values.
In fact, you never truly escape the past as your early upbringing has a profound effect on your life.
It influences your whole trajectory in life, including how you make a living, whom you choose as partners, how you behave relationally and sexually and how you cope with challenges that you face every day.

"It can be like, and often is like five years of personal development in seven days. It just gets to the depth, to the core"
Puja Lepp
It looks like we’ve all been hurt. You can’t be an adult alive today who hasn’t experienced some kind of emotional pain from the time when you have been a child, even with the best parents and their best intentions. In fact, we haven't met a person ever who doesn`t carry emotional blockages from childhood.
They (parents) weren't mean, but probably just under pressure and therefore projected their own unprocessed childhood wounds of fear, grief, anger, shame onto their children. And that's how it get’s passed on from one generation to the next, unless you come in terms with it.
Processing deeply held feelings will help you to make significant positive changes in your life. You will start to respond to situations from a place of conscious choice.

What happens?
While challenging, this life-changing retreat is held in a secure container of presence, love, integrity, and great heart.
Participants are gently guided through a carefully choreographed series of experiences, with the aim of processing deeply-held emotions, to remove conscious and unconscious blocks that prevent you from living an authentically joyful life.
A variety of methods is used, including emotional/physical exercises, journaling, guided visualization, teaching/group sharing, times of silence, meditations, rituals, emotional release/catharsis, and scientific trauma release therapy.
How we support you
Your well-being is of the utmost importance to us. We will support you before, during and after the Primal – Childhood Deconditioning Retreat to make sure that your experience is deep, life-changing and integrated.
Before the retreat
After contacting us, we will set up a discovery talk with Puja to ensure that this is the right process and time for you to do the Primal – Childhood Deconditioning Retreat. During the talk, you are welcome to ask any questions you may have.
During the retreat
During the retreat, Puja Lepp and her team of dedicated co-facilitators and helpers are here to take care of you and support you wholeheartedly. You will be held in a secure container of presence, love, integrity, and great heart.
We uphold the highest professional and ethical standards in working with people.
Your emotional wellbeing is in safe hands.
After the retreat
As a further support, you will have a post retreat coaching call with a Primal team member. You will also have access to an online community where you will be able to continue sharing and meeting with others who participated in Primal- Childhood Deconditioning Retreat with Puja Lepp. As a next stop and to continue your hero's journey, you will be invited to join us in our Primal Matrix Advanced Retreat.
After the retreat, Puja Lepp will be available for additional one-on-one sessions in person or online.